Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Oh is spring coming? BLINK it came and went. Well, actually, I think I've decided spring here is the warm time when it's not humid yet. So I guess over 80 and not humid is spring in the south? We had the missionaries over for dinner tonight and I asked them if they were hot yet. The poor Elder from Preston, Idaho (cue Napoleon Dynamite fans) started going on about never being so sticky before in his life. He has only been on his mission for 4-5 months now. Granted he is in a biking area...but so is most of the Charlotte Mission. Poor guy doesn't know the meaning of sticky. Bless his heart (as they say here in the south).
Keeping cool
 I guess her little pool was too much like a bath tub. She didn't last long in her new swim suit before she stripped down into the nude. It's so funny watching her and Cabo. He's sweating bullets and lies in any piece of shade he can find. That is until Addilyn spots him, looks at me and says "shhh" with her finger to her lips (indicating that he's sleeping), and then proceeds to run screaming at him. Cabo then runs to escape her and find another spot of shade until the next ambush.
 Do you remember me talking about the stray cat that hangs around our street? Do you remember me mentioning that she got pregnant? Well, our neighbor across from us decided she couldn't stand to let her have her babies outside (which by all means is where most all animals have them) and took her in. She had 6 babies 2 weeks ago. The good thing is that my neighbor is trying to give them away instead of keep them all. Sunday morning Addi and I walked over there to see if we could see the kittens but as we walked up, they were coming out to leave. So she said we could see them the next day. About 5:30 on Monday I got a knock on the door and she and her daughter brought over the whole litter. They said mama cat was not happy they took them! But Addilyn was sooo good with them.
The one she's touching in the top picture was trying to escape and Addi did such a good job nudging her back in. Towards the end she got enough confidence to pick up the orange one and held her for a few moments before she wanted to be back in the bed.
Well here I am, in all my 35 week glory. And I have a funny story about it. After the event happened Scott said, "You're going to blog about this aren't you?" You bet I am!
35 weeks
The only way I can get my upper back popped and get a back massage is if I am on my knees leaned over beside our bed. So last night I had this idea that Scott should try lifting my belly while I was in this position. That way it could just temporarily relieve the weight on my back. So the first round of him doing it lasted about 3 seconds. He immediately said, "Holy cow. That is heavy and it is not my job to carry it." And then he let go. I was so in shock he said it, and I'm pretty sure he was too because it was just his automatic response without thinking. So we started laughing.

me: I can't believe you just said that!
Scott: I know, but it's true!
me: Yeah, I know it (my belly) is heavy! That's why I wanted you to hold it for me for a minute. Just a minute please?
Scott: uuuuhhhhhggggg....Ok. Fine.

He then held it for what seemed like 20 seconds but he claims he counted a very slow 60 seconds. But that short time was so heavenly. And then he let go. I can't remember what he said after that, but I did say something to the effect of he should carry my belly more often and just a minute is not enough for the time I have to carry it.


Mr Smith & I said...

Yeah, you've definitely popped out more from the photoshoot photos to now! Go figure. And husbands have no idea =) Eric is still asking me for massages & I'm like - IM THE PREGNANT ONE, haha.

Chris J said...

Great post Lori. Cracks me up about Scott and his comment about you blogging this - doesn't he remember the family you came from, we love to document everything!

Addilyn is so darn cute and you're so good with your descriptive rantings about her and Cabo.