Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring is in the air!


We've had several warmer days (above 55) in the last couple weeks. So we spend our time outside! I know Cabo loves it!

 One Friday afternoon we went to Miller park. It was mid 60's at beautiful. Addilyn loved being out and about.

A co-worker of Scott has come and taken 3 loads of wood from our backyard. And we still have a ton. This of course is all from that same tree we had taken down a year ago. In his spare time, Scott goes back there and chops would for exercise. I just wanted to take a picture of how full we get his truck and trailer and yet he still has plenty more to take!
Our neighbor has puppies...Addilyn (and I) are in love. I just don't think a newborn and a puppy would be a smart move!
 The Forsyth Magazine hosts a Kids Morning Out every so often and different places around our county. Yesterday they held one at the gymnastics place down the road from us. Addilyn had a blast! She would not stop moving!

I invited my new friend/neighbor to the event and our girls are just in love with each other. (Avery is in yellow). Even though Avery is about 6 months older than Addilyn, Addilyn seemed to lead her around. Probably because Addi was so wired she would run from one thing to another and Avery was running right behind her to keep up.

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