Friday, March 1, 2013


Gah! I am so frustrated with myself.

As Macbook pro's hard drive crashed in January. First of all, I had to diagnose that it had in fact crashed. So then next I would replace it. By myself. I have been psyching myself out to do it. Things like this make me sweat. It's not within my comfort zone because I think computers should be left to computer people. My mom has a tech guy hook up (since my geek squad bro-in-law is on his mission) who sent me links to where to order this hard drive and also a link of a step by step with photos of how to replace it. I went ahead and ordered what I thought I needed. Two days later (today) I got it. My plan was to replace it tonight.

Scott is on a camp out, so I'm home alone going to figure it all out by myself. I open my package containing this hard drive and I have my tools ready to go to work. I followed the steps and everything was working out great. Until the last one. When it says I need a t6 torx screwdriver. Well, the smallest I had was a t10 and there are no substitutes for this incredibly tiny and specific screwdriver. I called/text a friend of mine who has no kids yet to see if she could come over while I went out to go and get this screwdriver. (Addilyn was already asleep) She didn't answer. So then in desperation I call Scott. Of course, no answer. It was to see if by chance he had a secret stash of these screwdrivers that I didn't know about....Then in real desperation I posted it on Facebook. I posted that I needed someone to come over right now....or if they happened to have this screwdriver if they could bring it over. I honestly was in an emotional state because I had already stressed myself thinking about doing this, and then I didn't have the right tool, and I am pregnant.

Another friend of mine called me like 15 minutes after I posted this plea out to Facebook. She said her husband has one and once they situate their kids he'll bring it by. YAY! He drops it off and I get to work. For some reason though, the t6 is just not working. Well, the tutorial is was a t7. Thankfully this tool he had brought has like t5-t15 sizes. I get to work and realize something is very wrong. And it has nothing to do with my screwdriver.

I bought memory. Not a hard drive. GAHHHH. Shows how much I know. Now hopefully my hard drive that I ordered tonight will get here Monday and I can return this stupid memory that I don't need on the same day. I'm now hungry, mad at myself, and really tired. Someone please bring me a mint oreo shake from Cook Out.

1 comment:

Mr Smith & I said...

awwwww babe! I'll be by in the morning; I hate nights like that! Glad I could be such a help! (NOT) =P