Thursday, March 21, 2013

32 weeks

There I am. 32 weeks yesterday. I've gained a total of 16 pounds. 6 of which came from the last 4 weeks. His position as of Tuesday was practically horizontal. His head is mostly facing down, with his bum towards my left rib and his feet and arms have free kicking/hitting range on my left hip area and pubic bone. He is most definitely in a different position than Addilyn ever was. She had her feet dangling from my ribs by now. It might have to do with the position of the placenta this time, which is on my right side. I don't ever feel anything much further than a certain point because of it-which is a weird feeling. So that means my middle to left side is being targeted.

The nurse gave me a fetal count sheet at my apt. I laughed. I asked her if I could just mark days that I don't feel him as much as before because he is so incredibly active all the time. She just kind of said, well, take it anyway and mark because the Dr's want it that way. So then she continued to check his heart beat with the doppler and just about croaked. Nurse, "You weren't kidding." Me, "I know." He was basically fighting her from the inside.

I would like to formally deny that "nesting" does not exist. It is simply the idea that I won't be cleaning for a while that makes me deep clean every single corner of our house right now. And the first day of spring cleaning was yesterday. And it's freezing outside right now. So of course I'm going to be scrubbing...

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