Monday, December 31, 2012


To read past New Year posts, especially last year, click here.

I had titled 2012 "Expanding and Experimenting". It definitely was. As for the expanding, I don't remember why I put that as part of the title. But I would say that our expanding went to expanding our experiences (?) I don't know if that works. However we did have a lot of learning experiences, which ties in with the second half of the title experimenting. Speaking for Scott, he has learned SO much from being called as the scout master and in the Young Men's presidency at our ward. I think he has learned first of all, more about himself. Then he's learned more about the organization of the church and has learned about other people. Towards the beginning of 2012 we had some trials with cutting down our tree, flooding, and buying a car. There were other things in there, like a broken pipe too.  (yes, those all link to the blog posts about them) But enough reminiscing... you can click through 2012 on the blog if you want to rewind. Lets think about 2013.

For the year 2013, we plan/hope/wish....for:

- paying off the rest of our student loans in the spring

- a beautiful baby boy in May

- actually buying our second car (a commuter for Scott)

- filling up our food storage with more canned goods both from the store and our garden

- celebrating 5 ridiculously awesome years of marriage

- celebrating Christmas with my family in Washington

I've been thinking all day about what I was going to title 2013. All of the titles I have made for the upcoming year were really obvious. This upcoming year, not so much. But I did think of something...since we are doubling the size of our original family (2 to 4) it worked.

2013 is titled: Adjusting

It's funny I would use that title for this upcoming year. I think it would fit for all the other years too. But this past year was our experimenting with things, like our garden for example. Well, this year we are only slightly adjusting what we did with our garden because we learned from what we tried last year. The major adjustment will obviously come from having one kid to two. But you know, we roll with the punches. 

Again, we are so grateful for everyone who takes a minute to read/scroll through pictures of our life. Being so far from family has had it's perks but also it's downside. We love where we live and know that this is where we are supposed to be for now. Well, there are only 2 hours left in 2012 on the east coast. I better pop some Martinelli's.

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