Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer Lovin'

Can I first say, I love my iPhone!! It takes the best photos. At night I lay in bed showing Scott all the pictures/photos I took that day. :)

Levi is 3 months old. Where has the time gone? I tell you, one of the funnest things to me about having my babies almost exactly 2 years apart is that they are the same age at the same time of year (just 2 yrs apart).
Smooch 3mo old
Wednesday nights when Scott is off at scouts, my friend Maddison has been coming over. We decided to make it pinterest night. Our first official projects are with a bunch of glass bottles from her grandparents house. The one on the left is just for aesthetics. Mine is the middle and Maddi's is on the right.

We have had a few beautiful days. Low-mid 70's and 50% humidity. So I decided I'd tend to a part of our yard we've been avoiding. Addi was a great help. Levi just hung out in one of his bouncers.

long hair!

Out to eat
Addilyn is in the "just right" phase. I've been dreading it. From my parenting classes and online blogs, it's not the most fun stage. It makes bed time tragic. Saying family prayers turn into tantrums. She won't let anyone else pray and hers if you let her are forever long. And silent. I'm not kidding. Like 5 minutes. And that's a long time on your knees!!!!! Yesterday she had to have her blanket like this...and it was miserable if it wasn't.

teaching her while she's young

Did I mention she loves her cars?
There are some videos I want to post but they don't seem to want to. So hopefully I can do a post with all videos soon!

1 comment:

Mr Smith & I said...

Yay for braids! How fun. Tragic about the tantrums & long, silent prayers...haha =)