Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving Week

It hasn't started yet officially yet...but I still wanted to do a Thanksgiving post! This is just something that has been on my mind lately, especially as I sit here eating clam chowder (it'll make sense in a sec I promise!)
 Scott is such an awesome guy. If you don't know him, you should- or at least get to know him better. Scott is understanding. Even though I'm spending all my money on food (clam chowder) now that I am pregnant, he knows it's for not just me but his future child. hehe. Or that's what I keep reminding him.
 Scott has this nickname that my mom calls him lovingly...the "energizer bunny". He has SO much energy. I cannot keep him in the house for very long. I know without a doubt that in the future when he comes home after work and I am pooped with being at home with the kids, he is going to find this energy and spend it all on our kids. It's sort of funny, but when Scott is out running around playing, I think of it as, "oh good. He'll be tired by the time we go to bed." I find I have the same mentality when it comes to kids. It's such an endearing quality of his.
Scott is a worry wart. It drives me nuts and it makes me sane. I have a lot of "yellow" qualities...the free flowing, whatever happens happens mentality. It gets me in trouble sometimes. However Scott keeps me in check with all of these scenarios he comes up with. He's always thinking ahead which has helped us out a ton! Like the idea that we should save money for our 7 week break vacation we took...I thought, "Oh we'll just use money we have leftover from school." Good for Scott. :)
Scott has the most interesting way of thinking of things. He's a boy, an engineer, and did I mention a boy? When I think of a solution to something Scott becomes fascinated with it. He keeps telling me I should be an engineer because of my creative answers to things. He reminds me all the time he is a quirky engineer with the things he is so excited to tell me about at the end of the day. Like, "Being an engineer is so cool. I mean, I can calculate how much force and where it needs to be to be able to knock down that building. How cool is that!" Or my favorite..."I can calculate how much more gas it costs to have that antenna ball on your car because of the drag." Thank you Scott. Next time I need to knock a building down or figure out inefficient something is, I know who to go to.
I know when Scott is doing something he shouldn't be doing. He has this look. Then when I ask him about it, he gives me another look. He's a horrible liar. He complains that I shouldn't have been able to figure him out so soon.
In the end I'm thankful to be married to such an awesome guy. The little things that get him excited, the nerdy moments he has, and all the times he gives me an "innocent" look are just some of the small things that make me love him more and more. It's only been a little less than 2 1/2 years of being married, but I know that I love him more now than ever! I know it's only going to get better.

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