Monday, October 12, 2009

Classes of Fall semester

Scott's classes are kicking his butt. Some of them are tougher, and the others are just time consuming! Me on the other hand, well, I'm pretty much just kicking it. I could have taken more classes instead of my 15 credits right now. Scott's favorite class this semester is his New Testament class. His teacher is a Jewish convert and is really excited about the scriptures and puts new twists on everything. Scott comes home and tells me all these crazy things he learned in his class that day. My favorite class would have to be my Advanced Visual Media. It's first of all really putting my new lap top into good use. I also love learning the new programs which will be super helpful in the future. I adore my teacher, she has great style all around and is very knowledgeable. I would say this semester on average between Scott and I is one that is using our talents and draining our minds.

1 comment:

Brad and Rach said...

Cool Kite! We love you guys and are so glad you came down to provo!