Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Valentines Month...

Addi's Valentines present. she's in love.

So for Valentines, we celebrated a few days after. The original plan was to go go carting which is what we did for our first Valentines when we were dating. When we got there, the track was closed from being to wet (it rained earlier that day). So instead we got some great Greek food and then went to a grocery store that Scott had been told about. It was an International grocery store. I don't think I'll go back unless I need some sort of fish creature, which I'm sure they had everything under the sea in there. (it sure smelled like it!)
filled with all sorts of different fish/sea creatures

duck eggs

clams, oysters, fish heads...

squid, crab...

sea cucumber?

this is what caused the store to smell..the crabs, not scott

all fish, including carp...who eats carp?

more squid

I don't even know what this was, but it was poking and I think a fruit

cow tongue
They had every body part pertaining to cows, pigs, fish, humans...okay not humans. But they had everything. (a cows brain is HUGE) It was fun just roaming around, not being able to read anything because it was in one of the many Asian/Islander languages.

1 comment:

Sam Ames said...

That pokey fruit is called Durian. Sam served his mission in Malaysia and it grows all over there. It tastes like garbage and onion...so I am told...it is also illegal to consume with alcohol because it can be fatal. ~Amber