Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This time around

Here is an update on the life of Lori and Scott.

Scott is convinced by this remedy. There are several benefits to apple cider vinegar, and Scott loves drinking apple cider vinegar and honey in hot water. The concoction: 1 cup hot water, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar. Drink PLENTY of water afterwords because your stomach might feel funny with the vinegar.

That being said: I refuse to drink it because I can't stand the smell of vinegar, let alone I don't think I'd be able to swallow it. So I drink lemon juice and honey in hot water. It's the same ratio of the vinegar drink, but tastes better (smells better) with the lemon. We drink our remedies whenever we start feeling icky, just the slightest. Honey is so good for you. Last night I felt a canker sore in my mouth and put some honey on it, and it's gone. It instantly felt better too. Think about it...honey is the number one ingredient in lotion!

Scott is still working at Diversified Metals in Idaho Falls. He's starting to get the hang of it, but it's a bummer that he has to leave when he's finally getting it. They are hiring a full time guy right after Scott leaves. It is awesome he slid in as an internship before they realized they needed someone all the time! His English class he's been taking Tuesday nights has been a real help for Scott both in his writing skills, and finding what he is interested in. It's a technical writing class and almost every assignment he's written has to do with energy. He has been able to do a lot of research and has gotten really excited about energy.

I have been babysitting my neighbor's boys every Tuesday and Thursday. The parents are currently separated, but the dad is still in school. So I watch the 2 (almost 3) and 1 year old boys. It has been a lot of fun for me. Even though I only see them for 10 hours during the week, it's making me really excited for when I have my own kids. Being in the primary presidency and watching these boys is making me think about how I want to raise my kids. In our primary when we sing, there are a couple who know all of the words to the primary songs. One girl specifically, Grace, knows all of the apostles. How awesome is that!

Last weekend Scott and I made a music video. It will be posted later when it's completed it's editing.

In case you all out in blogging land didn't know, my brother's wife is pregnant! She's due at the beginning of October. We are excited. Scott's two oldest sisters had 2 baby girls within the past two months.

Happy times!

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